Status Info
-The following elemental codes represent the clan's current status depending on the environment around us. Note that these statuses are subject to reclarification and modification.

Defcon Alpha
-We are at peace.
-Allies are at peace.
-Overall situation is normal.
-Recruitment is open.

Defcon Bravo
-We are having internal conflicts/issues/problems.
-A ally is being made with a new clan. It may not be guaranteed.
-A ally clan is having difficulties and requests assistance.
-Recruitment is closed.

Defcon Charlie
-A possible spy may be in our ranks in hope to require information.
-All Brotherhood members must be extra vigilant.
-A case is under investigation.
-Recruitment is closed.

Defcon Delta
-We are preparing during a pre-war or on alert during a post-war.
-All members must be ready for anything and have skills in check.
-If also true, an ally clan is under the same conditions.
-Recruitment is closed but there are exceptions only in certain situations.

Defcon Echo
-We are at war with a hostile/unknown clan or individuals.
-All members must not accept invites from hostiles/unknowns without backup.
-If also true, an ally clan is under the same conditions.
-Recruitment is closed unless the Fabricator-General opens it in emergency situations.